Collection: Dehumidifiers for Allergies

When the humidity level drops below 50%, dust mites have difficulty reproducing, and their populations decline. Shop our dehumidifiers to create an environment unsuitable for dust mites to thrive.

Dehumidifiers and Allergies - FAQs

How do dehumidifiers help with allergies?

Dehumidifiers reduce humidity levels, making your home less hospitable to allergens like mold, mildew, and dust mites, which thrive in moist environments.

What is the best humidity level to reduce allergies?

Maintaining indoor humidity levels between 30% and 50% is generally recommended to help control allergens.

Can a dehumidifier help with dust mite allergies?

Yes, by reducing humidity, dehumidifiers can create an environment that is less favorable for dust mites, potentially reducing their population.

Are dehumidifiers or air purifiers better for allergies?

Both can be beneficial. Dehumidifiers reduce moisture, thereby controlling mold and dust mites, while air purifiers remove airborne allergens like pollen and pet dander. The choice depends on the specific allergens you're dealing with.

How often should I run my dehumidifier to help with allergies?

This can vary based on your home's humidity levels and the specific recommendations of your dehumidifier's manufacturer, but continuous operation during humid months is common.

Can dehumidifiers worsen any conditions or symptoms?

If set too low, dehumidifiers can make the air too dry, potentially irritating respiratory conditions or causing dry skin. It's important to maintain a balance.

Where is the best place to put a dehumidifier to help with allergies?

Place dehumidifiers in areas where humidity levels are typically higher and where allergens are most problematic, such as basements, bathrooms, or bedrooms.

Can dehumidifiers help with asthma as well as allergies?

Yes, by reducing the presence of mold, dust mites, and other allergens, dehumidifiers can also help alleviate asthma symptoms triggered by these allergens.

Mould, Humidity and Dust Mites - All Your Questions Answered

Can mold cause dust mites?

Mold itself doesn't cause dust mites, but there is an indirect relationship between the two. Both mold and dust mites thrive in high humidity environments. Mold grows in damp, humid conditions, and dust mites also prefer these conditions because they absorb moisture from the air for survival. High humidity levels (above 50-60%) create an ideal environment for dust mites to flourish because of the ample moisture available in the air.

How to get rid of mould and dust mites?

To manage mold and dust mites effectively, you need to address the conditions that allow them to thrive. Read our comprehensive tips to get rid of mould, mildew and dust mites.

What are mould mites and do they live in Australia?

Mould mites are tiny insects that belong to the same family as spiders and ticks. They are too small to be seen with the naked eye and thrive in environments where there is a high level of humidity and an abundance of mold, which they feed on. These mites are not directly related to dust mites, though both can exist in similar damp, humid conditions in homes. Dust mites feed on dead skin cells and are more commonly associated with allergic reactions than mold mites. Mould mites, on the other hand, are specifically attracted to mould and can be a nuisance by contributing to poor air quality and potentially causing allergic reactions or irritation.

Mould mites do live in Australia, as well as many other parts of the world, especially in places where the climate can support mould growth. Homes with poor ventilation, leaks, or high humidity are more prone to mould and, consequently, mould mites.

Humidity and Dust Mites

Humidity is the most important factor in determining whether a house has high levels of dust mites. Learn how to select a dehumidifier that will help control dust mite growth in your house.