Collection: Dust Mite Steam Cleaners

Using a steam cleaner on bedding, carpets, upholstery, and other surfaces can help reduce the presence of dust mites and allergens. The high temperature of the steam can penetrate deep into fabrics and materials, killing dust mites and other allergens that are difficult to remove with traditional cleaning methods. 

Dust mite steamers

Will a steam cleaner get rid of dust mites?

Steamers are most effective on surfaces that can tolerate high temperatures and moisture, such as carpets, rugs, curtains, and bedding.

When you use a steamer, the high temperature of the steam can help kill dust mites on contact, which includes both the mites themselves and some of their eggs.

Steam can also be useful in tackling mold and mildew, which can trigger allergies and respiratory issues in some individuals. The high temperature of the steam can kill mold spores and prevent their growth.

To effectively reduce dust mites in your living spaces, consider these additional recommended steps along with using a steamer.

Does steam cleaner kill allergens?

Yes, steam cleaner can effectively kill allergens, including dust mites, mold, and some bacteria, on contact. The high temperature of the steam is the key factor that makes steamers effective in eliminating allergens.

When steam is applied to surfaces, it can penetrate into small crevices and pores, where allergens often hide, and kill them by damaging their cells.

Does a clothes steamer kill dust mites?

Clothes steamers can help in reducing the population of dust mites on clothing and fabrics, but they may not necessarily kill all dust mites and their eggs. Clothes steamers work by using high-temperature steam to loosen and remove wrinkles, dirt, and some allergens from fabrics, including dust mites.

When you use a clothes steamer on your clothes, bedding, or other fabrics, the heat from the steam can have some effect on dust mites. The high temperature can cause the dust mites to die on contact, and it may also help in breaking down their waste products and allergenic proteins.

What is the best steam cleaner for dust mites?

The "best" steam cleaner for dust mites can depend on individual preferences, budget, and specific needs. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a steamer for dust mite control:

  1. Steam Temperature: Look for a steamer that can produce high-temperature steam, as this is crucial for effectively killing dust mites and allergens. Steamers that can reach temperatures of 100°C or above are ideal.
  2. Water Tank Capacity: Consider the size of the water tank. Larger tanks will allow for longer steaming sessions without frequent refills.
  3. Attachments and Accessories: Some steamers come with various attachments and accessories that can make it easier to tackle different surfaces and fabrics. Look for models that include nozzle attachments, brushes, and extension wands.
  4. Portability: If you intend to use the steamer in multiple rooms or locations, consider the weight and portability of the unit.
  5. Safety Features: Check for safety features such as automatic shut-off when the water tank is empty or a cool-touch handle to prevent burns.

What are the benefits of steam cleaner to kill dust mites

1. Effective Allergen Reduction:

  • Direct Contact: Steam penetrates materials like bedding, curtains, and upholstery, reaching dust mites and their allergens directly.
  • High Temperature: The high heat from steam is lethal to dust mites, effectively killing them and their eggs. It also denatures their allergenic feces and body fragments, reducing allergic reactions.

2. Chemical-Free Cleaning:

  • No Harsh Chemicals: Steam cleaning doesn't require the use of chemicals, making it an eco-friendly and non-toxic option. This is particularly beneficial for households with children, pets, or individuals with chemical sensitivities.

3. Versatility:

  • Multiple Surfaces: Steamers can be used on a variety of surfaces where dust mites live, such as mattresses, sofas, curtains, and carpets.
  • Attachments: Many steamers come with attachments tailored for different surfaces and hard-to-reach areas, enhancing their versatility.

4. Deep Cleaning:

Thorough Removal: The steam penetrates deep into fabrics and cracks, removing dirt and debris along with dust mites. This results in a deeper clean than vacuuming alone.

Eliminates Odors: Steam also helps eliminate odors from pets, cooking, and smoking, leaving your home smelling fresh.

5. Improved Air Quality:

  • Reduced Allergens: By killing dust mites and removing allergens, steamers help improve the overall air quality in your home.
  • Beneficial for Health: This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory issues.

6. Moisture Control:

  • Quick Drying: Unlike some cleaning methods, the low moisture content in steam evaporates quickly, reducing the risk of mold or mildew growth, which can also trigger allergies.

7. Cost-Effective:

  • Saves Money: Investing in a steamer can save money in the long run by reducing the need for professional cleaning services and expensive chemical cleaners.
  • Durability: Properly maintained, a good quality steamer can last for years, providing ongoing allergen control.


  • Not for All Surfaces: Some materials and surfaces can be damaged by heat or moisture. Always check manufacturer guidelines before using a steamer on a new surface.
  • Regular Use: While steamers are effective, regular use is necessary to maintain low allergen levels, as dust mites can quickly repopulate.

Are chemical treatments necessary in addition to steam cleaning?

For most people, steam cleaning is sufficient to manage dust mite allergies without the need for chemical treatments. However, in severe infestations or in addition to professional advice, certain safe, allergen-neutralizing products might complement steam cleaning efforts.

Can steam cleaning replace vacuuming for allergy control?

While steam cleaning is effective at killing dust mites and reducing allergens, it doesn't replace vacuuming. A vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter is necessary for removing allergens and dust from floors and other surfaces. Steam cleaning and vacuuming should be used together for comprehensive allergy management.

How often should I steam clean to manage dust mite allergies?

The frequency depends on the severity of allergies and the presence of dust mites. Generally, steam cleaning every two to three months can help manage dust mite populations effectively. However, more frequent cleaning might be necessary in humid climates or during peak allergy seasons.

Can I use a steamer on all surfaces?

While steamers are versatile, they are best used on surfaces that can withstand high moisture and heat, such as mattresses, curtains, carpets, and upholstery. It's not recommended for use on delicate fabrics or electronic devices.