Dust Mite Allergy Solutions

Get rid of dust mites and prevent allergies

Best selling tools to reduce dust mites & control allergies

"The best way to control allergies is to avoid the triggers that cause them."

Are dust mite covers effective in preventing allergies?

Dust mite covers - all your questions answered

Dust mites thrive in our homes, particularly in mattresses, pillows, and bedding, where they feast on dead skin cells and leave behind allergens that can trigger allergic reactions. However, there is a solution: mattress, pillow, and duvet protectors.

What are dust mite covers?

Dust mite covers are specialised encasements designed to envelop pillows, mattresses, and duvets, creating a barrier that prevents dust mites and their allergens from penetrating the fabric.

How do dust mite covers work?

Dust mite covers work by forming a tight seal around your bedding with materials that are impermeable to dust mites, effectively blocking these allergens from coming into contact with your skin and respiratory system. Good quality covers will have zippers that will seal and encase the bedding.

Are dust mite covers effective in reducing allergies?

Yes, dust mite covers are highly effective in reducing allergies as they prevent exposure to dust mite allergens, which are a common trigger for allergic reactions and asthma symptoms.

What materials are dust mite covers made of?

Dust mite covers are typically made of tightly woven fabrics like cotton, polyester or polyurethane, which are effective in blocking dust mites and allergens while still allowing air and moisture to pass through for comfort.

Can dust mite covers help with asthma?

Absolutely, dust mite covers can be a significant help for asthma sufferers by minimising exposure to dust mite allergens, which can trigger asthma attacks.

How often should I wash dust mite covers?

Dust mite covers should be washed every 1 to 2 months, using hot water to effectively remove any accumulated dust or allergens. Please follow the manufacturers instructions for the brand you purchase.

Do dust mite covers need special care when washing?

Dust mite covers generally don't require special care, but it's advisable to follow the manufacturer's instructions, typically involving washing in hot water and drying on a medium-to-hot setting.

Are dust mite covers breathable?

Yes, most modern dust mite covers are designed to be breathable, ensuring comfortable sleep without compromising their effectiveness against dust mites.

Will dust mite covers change the feel of my mattress or pillow?

While dust mite covers are designed to be as unobtrusive as possible, they may add a slight layer of firmness or texture, but this is usually minimal and often goes unnoticed.

How do I choose the right size dust mite cover?

Measure your mattress, pillow, or duvet, and select a dust mite cover that closely matches these dimensions for a snug and effective fit.

Can dust mite covers be used on any type of bedding?

Yes, dust mite covers are versatile and can be used on various types of bedding, including memory foam, down, and synthetic materials.

Do dust mite covers prevent bed bugs?

While primarily designed for dust mites, many dust mite covers also provide a barrier against bed bugs, but it's important to check if the cover is specifically rated for bed bug protection.

Can children use bedding with dust mite covers?

Absolutely, dust mite covers are safe for use with children's bedding, providing the same allergen protection as they do for adults.

 Read our guide where we answer all your commonly asked questions.

Using dust mite covers is highly recommended for people with dust mite allergies because they create a barrier between the allergens and the individual. Dust mite covers for mattress, pillow and duvet, are designed to be allergen-proof, preventing dust mites from infiltrating these commonly infested areas.

Dust Mite Covers

How can dust mite mattress cover help with allergies?

A single mattress can harbour millions of dust mites that feed on skin cells and cause allergies.

The dust mite allergy mattress covers are designed and manufactured with a pore size under 2.8 microns and can be a key tool in managing allergies.

Matress covers act as a barrier between you and the dust mites and their allergens that live in mattresses and other bedding.

By preventing these allergens from reaching you, mattress covers help reduce allergic reactions such as sneezing, itching, and congestion. This ultimately creates a healthier and more comfortable sleeping environment for individuals who are sensitive to dust mites.

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Exposure to dust mites

What is a dust mite allergy?

Dust mite allergy, commonly referred to as an allergic reaction to dust mites, occurs due to exposure to tiny arthropods called house dust mites. These minuscule creatures are commonly present in household dust, with a particular prevalence in areas frequently inhabited by humans, such as bedding, pillows, mattresses, and upholstered furniture. Dust mites primarily subsist on human skin flakes and thrive in warm and humid environments.

When individuals with dust mite allergies encounter dust mite allergens, which are proteins found in dust mite excrement and bodily remnants, their immune systems may overreact, leading to the manifestation of allergy-related symptoms. 

Read more to find out if you might be allergic and what to do about it.

Dust mite bites

Do dust mites bite? The short answer is no, dust mites do not bite humans. Dust mites lack the anatomical features required for biting or piercing the skin. Although they can provoke allergic responses in certain individuals, these allergies do not result from bites. Rather, allergic reactions occur when people are exposed to the minute waste particles emitted by dust mites.

Read more about the common myth of dust mite bites.

Coping with dust mite allergies in Australia's humid, subtropical climate

Unlike humans, who consume water, dust mites lack an internal means of quenching their thirst. Instead, they rely on absorbing moisture from their environment, which means that dust mites thrive in humid conditions, like the subtropical climate of Australia.

Read our advice on how to reduce dust mites in your home if you live in Australia.

How to prevent dust mites

To prevent dust mites, keep your environment clean and allergen-free. Regularly wash and dry bedding and curtains, use allergen-proof covers on mattresses and pillows, vacuum with a HEPA filter, and maintain indoor humidity below 50%. Opt for hard floors over carpets, reduce clutter, and wash or freeze stuffed toys. Ensure good ventilation and consider using an air purifier with a HEPA filter to trap allergens. Read our full guide.

Dust mite allergy: Best air purifiers

Do you know what is the key to successfully reducing dust mites?

Dust mites rely on extracting moisture from their surroundings, and elevated humidity levels offer an ideal setting for their reproduction and expansion. Moreover, increased humidity can foster the development of mold, another prevalent allergen capable of worsening allergy and asthma symptoms.

Read our guide on how to minimise dust mite population in your home.

Do air purifiers work for dust mite allergies?

Dust mites, a prevalent indoor allergen, release minuscule droplets that can become airborne, inciting allergic responses. By utilising an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter, these particles can be effectively trapped, averting their circulation in the air and consequently diminishing the allergen load within the space.

Read our guide to help you choose the best air purifier for your home.

Create allergy-free sleep

10 Tips to eliminate dust mites in your bedroom

If you're determined to reclaim your bedroom from dust mites, our article Dust Mite Free Bedroom unveils ten effective tips that will help you banish dust mites and create a cleaner, healthier sleep haven. From simple cleaning practices to innovative solutions, we've got your ultimate guide to a dust mite-free bedroom covered.

The Ultimate guide to hypoallergenic bedding for dust mite allergies

When contending with dust mite allergies, making informed choices about your bedding becomes crucial in minimizing exposure to these allergens. Read our guide for top tips when selecting your bedding.

Do you know the difference between hypoallergenic and anti-allergy bedding

For individuals grappling with allergies, finding allergy relief can often feel like an endless struggle. While medications and air purifiers offer respite, your sleep environment's significance in allergy management cannot be overstated. Find out the difference between these two options.